TALK with your patients about the impact migraine may be having on their daily activities
Your patients with headache may not be telling you the whole story
The main question you should ask your patients is: How many days in a month does headache impact your life?
When people who have migraine are pushing through an attack, how they feel on the inside and how they act on the outside can be very different.
Learn more about what people with migraine are feeling during an attack:
Inside Story of Migraine
00:00 [Soft music in background. Open on blue paper animated background. An animated woman is stirring a spoon in a bowl.]
Narrator: Your patients who experience headaches may not be telling you the full story.
Caption: The Inside Story of Migraine. Lilly
00:05 [The woman is baking with her husband and daughter]
Narrator: Let’s take a look at a day in the life of a patient with migraine.
Daughter: I love making family recipes together.
00:11 [Focus in on the woman. She tries to hide her pain with a smile. The background rips apart with a tearing sound to reveal a storm behind her with lightning strikes. Sounds of thunder and rain dropping.]
Woman’s thoughts voiced over: Unfortunately, I’m having to cope with the thunder and lightning inside my head.
Caption: Headaches that disrupt your daily life and are accompanied by light sensitivity and/or nausea are common symptoms for migraine.
00:16 [Transition back to kitchen scene. The daughter starts stirring the mixing bowl. The woman smiles weakly and puts her arm around the daughter. The data is cracking an egg into a bowl.]
Woman: We love it too.
00:19 [Transition to a work conference room. The woman is preparing for a presentation. A colleague walks into the room.
Narrator: Many patients who experience headaches often feel like they need to hide their suffering and just push through.
Colleague: Oh good, you’re already setting up your presentation. The clients are on their way in now.
00:28 [Focus in on the woman. She sits down and puts her hand to her head. The background rips away to reveal a three jackhammers hammering.]
Woman’s thoughts voiced over: With this migraine even nicer would be to go to a…
00:31 [The background rushes through layers of dirt and arrives at a soundproof room.]
Woman’s thoughts voiced over: …dark, soundproof room, three stories underground.
00:35 [Transition back to the conference room. The woman looks up from her computer and responds without enthusiasm.]
Woman: I’ll be ready.
00:37 [Transition outside the entrance to a school. The woman walks up the steps. A teacher opens the door and a few kids start walking out. Kids can be heard playing in the background.]
Teacher: Hi, how are you?
00:40 [The woman furrows her brow as the background rips away to reveal a hammer hitting a metal block. She puts her hand to her head.]
Woman’s thoughts voiced over: I’m pushing through what feels like a giant hammer hitting a metal block over and over in my head. I just want the pain to stop.
00:46 [Return to the scene of the school. The woman’s daughter runs up and hugs her.]
Woman: I’m hanging in there.
Daughter: Mommy!
00:50 [The narrator steps on-screen and addresses the camera.]
Narrator: Changes in your treatment plan can keep your patients from suffering in silence.
00:55 [Focus on a handheld device showing a doctor consulting through the device.]
Narrator: When patients mention that their headaches impact their daily life, and are accompanied with photophobia and nausea, it could be time to talk about migraine.
01:03 [Transition to the blue paper background]
Caption: The next time you THINK your patient has migraine, TALK about treatment and TREAT as appropriate.
Lilly. VV-OTHR-US-DEL-0477 05/2021 ©Lilly USA, LLC. All rights reserved.

"By using an algorithm like THINK TALK TREAT MIGRAINE, combined with appropriate acute and preventive treatment options, Primary Care Providers have the potential to restore migraine patient's freedom to live their lives no longer encumbered by this all too common disease."
- Dr. James North, MD, Board Certified Family Medicine Physician