00:00 [Narrator speaking to the camera]
Narrator: If you get headaches, you'll want to hear the rest of this. Many people think they just have regular headaches or sinus headaches or tension headaches.
Caption: Amy Lives with Migraine
00:12 [Narrator speaking to the camera]
Narrator: But they actually have migraine. With an accurate diagnosis, you and your health care provider could find treatments that may work better for you.
00:19 [Woman appears on screen. She is taking off her eyeglasses, squinting her eyes and pinches the bridge of her nose. She appears in pain.]
Narrator: A migraine is much more than just a headache. An attack can last for hours or even days.
00:23 [A man appears on screen. He is lying on a pillow with his eyes closed, a washcloth on his forehead and his hand is holding the washcloth.]
Narrator: A migraine is much more than just a headache. An attack can last for hours or even days.
00:26 [A woman appears on screen bent over holding her head. A window is in the background with sunlight shining through.]
Narrator: Often with sensitivity to lights and sounds …
00:30 [A woman appears on screen holding her head sitting in front of a commode.]
Narrator: …or nausea and vomiting that impact your day.
00:33 [A man appears sitting at a desk looking through pages in a binder. The camera pans back to see the man’s face trying to concentrate.]
Narrator: All of this can interfere with working a job…
00:36 [A woman appears on screen, sitting on a couch with her eyes closed and she is covering her ears. Two children are playing in the background.]
Narrator: …or spending quality time with family.
00:39 [Narrator speaking to the camera.]
Narrator: Thankfully, there are many treatments for migraine. So make an appointment with your healthcare provider…
00:45 [Transition to a doctor’s office examination room. The doctor shakes the patient’s hand and begins talking with him.]
Narrator: …to talk about your headaches. Tell them how many headache days you have each month…
Caption: How many headache days each month
00:51 [Transition to a patient sitting on an examination table talking to her doctor.]
Narrator: …tell them about the other related symptoms and how all of this impacts your life.
Caption: Other related symptoms. How it impacts your life
00:55 [Transition to a different patient speaking with her doctor in the examination room.]
Narrator: Talk about what treatments might be right for you to help stop a migraine attack.
Caption: What treatments might be right for you
01:00 [Narrator speaking to the camera.]
Narrator: And if migraine impacts your life four or more days per month…
Caption: 4+ days/month
01:04 [Transition to a patient and doctor talking in the examination room.]
Narrator: … ask if treatments that can help prevent migraine attacks are right for you.
01:10 [Narrator speaking to the camera.]
Narrator: Make an appointment today so you may better manage your migraine.
01:14 [Transition to screen with caption]
Narrator: Visit. Think migraine.com to learn more.
Caption: Blue circle icon with head silhouette, animated words ThinkMigraine.com.
VV-OTHR-US-DEL-0027 ©Lilly USA, LLC. 2021. All rights reserved.