TALK with your healthcare provider about your headaches and their impact
Migraine could be impairing your ability to function both during and between attacks
A short discussion could help your healthcare provider determine if you are in need of medications that may help either relieve your headache attacks or reduce their frequency.

If you ever find yourself pushing through pain, how you feel on the inside and how you appear on the outside can be very different.
How do you know if your symptoms are associated with migraine? Hear from Amy about how to TALK to your doctor
00:00 [Narrator speaking to the camera]
Narrator: If you get headaches, you'll want to hear the rest of this. Many people think they just have regular headaches or sinus headaches or tension headaches.
Caption: Amy Lives with Migraine
00:12 [Narrator speaking to the camera]
Narrator: But they actually have migraine. With an accurate diagnosis, you and your health care provider could find treatments that may work better for you.
00:19 [Woman appears on screen. She is taking off her eyeglasses, squinting her eyes and pinches the bridge of her nose. She appears in pain.]
Narrator: A migraine is much more than just a headache. An attack can last for hours or even days.
00:23 [A man appears on screen. He is lying on a pillow with his eyes closed, a washcloth on his forehead and his hand is holding the washcloth.]
Narrator: A migraine is much more than just a headache. An attack can last for hours or even days.
00:26 [A woman appears on screen bent over holding her head. A window is in the background with sunlight shining through.]
Narrator: Often with sensitivity to lights and sounds …
00:30 [A woman appears on screen holding her head sitting in front of a commode.]
Narrator: …or nausea and vomiting that impact your day.
00:33 [A man appears sitting at a desk looking through pages in a binder. The camera pans back to see the man’s face trying to concentrate.]
Narrator: All of this can interfere with working a job…
00:36 [A woman appears on screen, sitting on a couch with her eyes closed and she is covering her ears. Two children are playing in the background.]
Narrator: …or spending quality time with family.
00:39 [Narrator speaking to the camera.]
Narrator: Thankfully, there are many treatments for migraine. So make an appointment with your healthcare provider…
00:45 [Transition to a doctor’s office examination room. The doctor shakes the patient’s hand and begins talking with him.]
Narrator: …to talk about your headaches. Tell them how many headache days you have each month…
Caption: How many headache days each month
00:51 [Transition to a patient sitting on an examination table talking to her doctor.]
Narrator: …tell them about the other related symptoms and how all of this impacts your life.
Caption: Other related symptoms. How it impacts your life
00:55 [Transition to a different patient speaking with her doctor in the examination room.]
Narrator: Talk about what treatments might be right for you to help stop a migraine attack.
Caption: What treatments might be right for you
01:00 [Narrator speaking to the camera.]
Narrator: And if migraine impacts your life four or more days per month…
Caption: 4+ days/month
01:04 [Transition to a patient and doctor talking in the examination room.]
Narrator: … ask if treatments that can help prevent migraine attacks are right for you.
01:10 [Narrator speaking to the camera.]
Narrator: Make an appointment today so you may better manage your migraine.
01:14 [Transition to screen with caption]
Narrator: Visit. Think to learn more.
Caption: Blue circle icon with head silhouette, animated words
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